Coffee frame


February 14 is just around the corner, and a gift for a loved one is an important enough moment. We run shopping and buy various soft toys, souvenirs in the form of hearts and much more. Have you thought about how you can make a gift with your own hands? This approach has many advantages.
1. When you make a gift with your own hands, you put all your love and the warmth of your relationship into it.
2. You can make such a surprise in a few hours.
3. Not much money is spent on costs.
In this workshop I want to teach you how to make a beautiful coffee frame. Coffee, as you know, has a pleasant aroma, which is called an aphrodisiac, so such a gift will only delight your soulmate.
What do you need?
1. An ordinary wooden photo frame of any size. I decided to make a large collage and therefore used an A4 frame.
2. Coffee beans. Tip: do not buy expensive grain coffee - here it is useless!
3. Gun for hot glue.
4. Glue for the gun
5. Adhesive for ceiling tiles, but you can use transparent adhesive "Moment".
6. Twine rope.
7. Decorative things.

Step 1. First of all, we disassemble the frame. To do this, push the holders from the back.

Step 2. We take out the cardboard, and set the frame aside for a while to the side.

Step 3. Using twine and glue for the ceiling tiles we wrap cardboard. We glue the beginning, middle and end of the cardboard with glue - this will be enough to keep the rope well.

Note! If you don’t have ceiling glue or a transparent “Moment”, you can use a glue gun, but then your working time will increase several times, since a hot gun dries quickly.

Step 4. Wrap all the cardboard.

Step 5. Take a simple white sheet and cut out a heart from it. Tip: do not make it standard - it will be uninteresting!

Step 6. Attach it to the ropes with a needle, and then begin to glue it with coffee grains along the contour, using gun glue.

Step 7. Once the heart is completely pasted, the template can be removed.

Step 8. Just below the heart, I decided to write the word "love", also using coffee.

Step 9. Now decorate our frame. I used cinnamon, star anise, and decorative gold stars. You can awaken your imagination and use whatever you want!

Tip: when you make a gift with your own hands, feel what your heart tells you, and my master class is just a small template for your imagination.


Watch the video: DIY Coffe emergency frame (January 2025).