How to "burn out" a picture or make an inscription on wooden surfaces without a soldering iron


Today, two main methods are used to decorate wooden surfaces - this is burning with a soldering iron and engraving. However, not everyone has a tool to carry out such work.

Therefore, we offer you an alternative and simpler way, how to "burn out" a picture or make an inscription on a tree at home. This will require only two main components: water and ammonium chloride, which can be bought at a chemical store (or ordered online). It is sold in powder form or in compressed form.

The process of transferring images to a tree

It is best to use powdered ammonium chloride, but if you only have a pressed "bar" in your possession - that's okay. It is enough to simply scrape off a little fine chips with a knife and chop it with something heavy (for example, you can use an ax butt or a hammer). About 100 teaspoons of ammonium chloride should be added to 100 ml of water.

Also, for "burning" in a chemical way, you will need:

  • ordinary brush for painting;
  • building hair dryer;
  • a wooden blank (a board made of plywood, sawed wood, etc.).

Using a brush, apply the prepared solution of ammonium chloride to the surface of a wooden billet - it can be a picture or an inscription. Moreover, you can draw both by hand, on the go coming up with fancy shapes, and with the help of stencils.

Then it is necessary to heat the wooden surface with a building hairdryer until the whole picture or inscription appears.

Please note that the longer you keep the hair dryer in one place, the darker the resulting image will be, but you should try not to scorch the surface itself. How to use this chemical method of "burning" in practice, see the video on our website.


Watch the video: HOW TO HACK ANY VENDING MACHINE!! (January 2025).