The original firewood from the brake disc and old springs


Often in a garage or other utility room there are unnecessary things that are a pity to throw away, and there is no special need to keep. However, you can make a useful thing out of them.

If you have a stove or a fireplace in a private house or in the country, then you may like a very simple, but at the same time original firewood from the brake disc and old springs, which will allow you to compactly store firewood.

For this homemade need two springs. If there is corrosion, you can remove it with a grinder or sandblast. The author offers another interesting option: rust is afraid of temperature extremes. After strong heating and rapid cooling in water, it simply crumbles.

The main stages of work

Cleaned from rust and painted in black springs are mounted vertically on a wooden base. For this, ordinary boards approximately 90-100 cm long are suitable. Boards of shorter or longer lengths can be used.

To the front side of the base are screwed "feet" cut from a board of the same thickness. Springs are connected using bolted connections.

The author decided to decorate the upper part of the design with the head of a man. To do this, he used a cover from an old, still Soviet, camping primus, repainting it in black. The brake disc was used as a collar.

Thus, out of unnecessary things, they managed to make an original firewood for a garage, cottage or a private house. Moreover, for the manufacture did not require much effort.

For details on how to make an original firewood from a brake disc and old springs with your own hands, see the video on the website.


Watch the video: Knife From A Brake Disc (October 2024).