Which toilet to choose for home: rimless or rimless


Many people buy toilet bowls, focusing only on two main criteria: design and cost. However, there is another important point, which is also worth paying attention to - is the presence or absence of a rim around the perimeter of the toilet bowl.

And a completely logical question arises: why is this rim needed at all? What function does it perform? The answer is simple: the rim on the toilet is necessary for the correct distribution of the flow of water when draining.

Almost all classic toilet bowls that came to us from the Soviet past, "by default" have such a rim. However, now on sale you can find modern models without a rim. So which toilet to choose for the house? What is the difference?

Toilets with a rim: pros and cons

Of the advantages, it is probably worth noting the low cost of such toilets. But there are many more minuses. Firstly, the presence of inaccessible places under the rim itself, which only complicates the process of cleaning the toilet.

Secondly, over time, ugly rusty streaks appear on the inside of the bowl. Well, and thirdly, the area under the rim is a favorite place for microbes, and therefore you have to clean the toilet almost every day. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor appears.

Than rimless toilets are good

Let's start with the pros. Firstly, the absence of a rim provides a simpler and easier cleaning. Secondly, there is no risk of rusty streaks and an unpleasant odor.

Thirdly, modern rimless toilets look more aesthetically pleasing. Although in fairness it should be noted that the toilet seat cover is closed, it is almost impossible to visually distinguish a rimmed toilet from a bezel-less toilet.

Moreover, despite the absence of a rim, there will be no splashes when flushing. For clarity, blue water was added to the water in the toilet bowl and the flush was pressed so that it was clear how the water was distributed. No spray!

Details about which toilet to choose for the house: rimless or rimless, we recommend that you watch in the video on the site.


Watch the video: Why You Should Choose a Rimless Toilet For Your Home (January 2025).