How to make a decorative basket from a PET bottle


Even from an ordinary plastic bottle, you can make your own hands a simple original decoration for a summer residence or a house adjoining area.

In this review, the author tells how to make a decorative basket. There is nothing complicated here, but you still have to show a certain ingenuity.

To make a basket, you will need 4 pieces of plastic bar, which can be made from PET bottles. You will also need a piece of PVC sewer pipe and a building hair dryer.

The main stages of work

The diameter of the pipe may be different. In this case, the author uses a plastic sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 mm. In its upper part, two metal plates must be screwed. They serve to fix the plastic bar.

After the upper edge is fixed, it is necessary to bend the bar around the pipe and fix the end with the help of four screws. Then the bar itself needs to be heated with a hairdryer. The rest of the bars for the basket are made in this way (from 4 to 8 bars can be used per basket).

At the next stage, with the help of a homemade device, the author makes curls at the ends of the rods. Heats up with a hairdryer and allows to cool a little. How to make such a device can be read in this review.

Then you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the basket itself. For convenience, the rods are pulled together with nylon ties, after which the author wraps the top and bottom of the basket with plastic tape.

For more information on how to make a decorative basket from a regular PET bottle with your own hands, see this video.


Watch the video: How to make a beautiful basket with plastic bottle and jute rope. best out of waste (October 2024).