The method of manufacturing grinding nozzles for angle grinders


In the workshop or garage from time to time (and sometimes every day) you have to grind something. To do this, many use purchased nozzle plates with Velcro, which are designed for grinders (angle grinders).

Grinding wheels of the required grit are attached to these nozzle plates, which are used for machining metal or wooden workpieces.

However, the factory grinding nozzles-plates have one, albeit small, but a drawback - they are sold only in a certain size: 100 mm, 115 mm, 125 mm, 150 mm, 180 mm.

In this regard, in certain situations, using these nozzles it is not always possible to properly grind the internal parts of workpieces or parts having a small radius.

However, there is always some way out of the situation. For example, you can make nozzle plates for grinding the desired diameter with your own hands.

The main stages of work

On a lathe, the author cuts a circle of the desired diameter from the central part of the nozzle plate with a diameter of 125 mm (in this case, it is 55 mm).

From the remaining part you get another small grinding drum (you can make several of them - enough material).

On the same lathe, the author grinds a drum of the desired diameter from an ordinary wooden bar. And then it will be necessary to glue a piece of Velcro, which the author cuts off from the rest of the nozzle.

The author recommends gluing Velcro on a second cyanoacrylate adhesive, which, in comparison with conventional contact adhesive, is more resistant to mechanical and thermal influences.

The detailed process of making homemade grinding nozzles for grinders (angle grinders) can be seen in the video on our website.


Watch the video: Using my water-nozzle on an angle-grinder (October 2024).