Wheel Hub Rack


In this review, the author shares the idea of ​​how to conveniently and compactly store a set of seasonal tires in the garage. To do this, you need to make a rack.

Homemade is very simple and for its manufacture will require a minimum of materials. In this case, the author makes a rack of pieces of round pipes, a steel cross from the chair, as well as four automobile hubs.

First of all, it is necessary to cut a piece of pipe with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 90 cm. Next, we make the marking: four holes with a diameter of 9 mm will have to be drilled in the pipe (they should be on the same line).

We retreat from the edge of the pipe 150 mm, and then drill holes with a pitch of 220 mm. After this, the pipe must be cleaned from dirt and rust.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, the author cuts pieces of pipes of various diameters (they must be included in each other).

Cut the pieces of the pipe with the help of a grinder along and put on each other. We press them into the central hole in the crosspiece from the computer chair.

With the help of electric arc welding, the master makes the entire structure (the cross and the bushings inside it) non-separable. Welds will need to be cleaned with a grinder.

After that, we clean four automobile hubs from rust. Further, all parts must be degreased, primed and painted. The author uses anchor bolts as locking fingers.

Details on how to make a rack of car hubs for storing wheels can be found in the video on the website.


Watch the video: Fix your dishwasher upper rack wheel hub for free! (October 2024).