The original brick fence in Vietnamese


The Vietnamese craftsman shows how to build a brick fence with an original "pattern" with your own hands and without any special expenses.

This idea can be applied both in a private house and in the country. Of the basic tools for work, you need a trowel, level and lace.

The first step is to mix the cement slurry. This can be done either using a concrete mixer or manually.

Mix sand and cement in the desired ratio, make a funnel in the middle and pour water into it. Then knead the solution.

The main stages of work

Before proceeding with the laying of bricks, we pour water on the concrete base. After that, the author spreads the first two rows of columns along the edges of the foundation.

At the next stage, we already begin laying brick of the first row of the fence. We lean one brick on the base of the column, and the subsequent bricks are also laid diagonally. In this case, you must try to maintain the same angle of inclination.

Next, we proceed to the laying of the second row of bricks, moving in the opposite direction. We also raise the column itself on one row.

Similarly, we carry out the laying of all subsequent rows of bricks, erecting a fence with columns to the required height.

For details on how to make an original brick fence in Vietnamese, see the video on our website.


Watch the video: Install Break Wall (October 2024).