How to make a head for a motorcycle throttle cable


In this review, the author shows how to independently make a head for a motorcycle throttle cable in a garage.

The cable head can be made of lead or aluminum. To cast it, you will first need to make a mold. The author uses a bolt.

The first step is to find the center on the head of the bolt. Then the author drills a through hole of the desired diameter.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, the author makes a cut in the threaded part of the bolt using a grinder.

Next, you will need to find a nail of suitable diameter (so that it fits tightly into the hole in the bolt) and dull it on the emery machine.

We insert the nail into the bolt (or you can use a steel rod), and clamp it in a vice.

After that, the author takes lead or aluminum solder, and melts it (for this, a gas spray with a burner is used).

Insert the end of the cable into the slot in the bolt and lower it all the way into the liquid solder. Top up with a little more solder, while warming the bolt with a burner.

Then it remains only to wait 10-15 minutes, remove the head from the mold and process it with a file or on a grinding machine.

For details on how to make a head for a motorcycle throttle cable, see the video on the website.


Watch the video: how to make custom motorcycle cable lengths for throttle, clutch and brakes (October 2024).