Dishes for indoor plants


Hello. If you are a big fan of indoor plants, this method of decorating your home may interest you.

So, you are tired of the monotonous and gray selection of dishes in stores, for your green pets, or you just decided to save - it does not matter. The main thing is the result. First things first, you need to walk through the forest or the nearest forest belt. It is desirable that it was a birch grove - then it will take less time in order to find the required material. And we need a chopped birch, that is, a birch or a birch trunk lying on the ground (and it is desirable that it was a pretty LONG, old tree), a thickness slightly larger than the thickness of a two-liter plastic bottle, or a bucket of mayonnaise. Birch bark is a very durable natural material, and even if a fragment of the trunk has lain on the ground for several years, it will not decay, in contrast to the wood inside. That's exactly what we need! Remember, the longer the tree has lain on the ground, the less effort and time it will take to remove the wood from the bark.

Next, we cut off a little lump from the barrel, a height slightly longer (5-7 cm) of your chosen piece of plastic two-liter bottle, or bucket. Using a chisel and a hammer (you can use a drill with a large-caliber pen), we remove the wood from the bark. Work should be carried out extremely carefully and carefully so as not to violate the integrity of the resulting "pipe" from the bark, avoiding torn scratches and cuts on the outside.

So, cleaned. If the “pipe” turned out to be a little larger caliber than a bottle, bucket or other vessel you have chosen, it’s okay, you can wrap it (the vessel) with paper until it fits perfectly into the “pipe”. While laying the "pipe" aside. We take our plant (in my case it is a decorative indoor pepper) and carefully (MAXIMUM carefully!) We take out the root system along with the soil from the old pot. By the way, if the old plastic pot is wonderful; you can tap on its walls so that the soil lags behind the inner walls. Holding the plant at the base of the trunk, turn it to its side, or (if the plant is not very large and lush) down with your head and pull it out of the old dishes. Then, transplant the plant into the prepared segment of the bottle or bucket. Remember; the less you disturb the root system, the less your pet will get sick after "relocation."

Transplanted? Then we take the scissors and carefully equalize the edges of the birch “pipe”, making them as even as possible. If desired, you can decorate the resulting product with moss or a birch tinder (parasite mushroom). Or varnish, but I'm not a proponent of chemistry, after all, a plant will live there! All that remains is to insert a vessel with a plant into our “pipe”. All. Done.

By the way, such things can be made of the most diverse caliber, from the thinnest to the thickest trunks that you can find.
Good crafts!


Watch the video: Houseplant 101: Complete Guide to Fertilizing Houseplants Ep 122 (October 2024).