Decorative topiary


I want to tell you how to make a simple, original, decorative topiary with your own hands, which will happily decorate the interior of houses, apartments and bring visual delight.
Topiary is an artificial tree, which is already quite a common decoration in our interior. It can also be called the Tree of Happiness. Making it yourself is not at all difficult, both for adults and with children from artificial and natural materials. One just needs to have a little patience, desire to create and a positive attitude.
With the help of imagination, you can realize all kinds of creative ideas with your own hands.

To create a do-it-yourself topiary, we need:
1. Scissors
2. Needle with thread
3. A vase or flower pot of square shape
4. Artificial flowers
5. The fabric is white
6. Fatin black
7. Paper
8. Gypsum mixture (building)
9. Wooden stick
10. Decorative beads
11. Glue gun
12. Glue pencil

We start our work by cutting a piece of white rectangular material

Fold the ends of the fabric to the center and sew the middle with threads.

Next, in a circle, grab the edges of the fabric and tighten, getting a flower.

We sew the remaining flowers in this way, we need them from about 15 to 18 pieces.

We take the finished wooden stick. Coat the top with "hot glue" and wrap a thin ribbon of white from top to bottom. Also on the winding of the barrel you can use foil, twine, colored paper. The bottom of the stick is also fixed with glue.

We got a finished stick wrapped in ribbon.

Pour a small amount of gypsum or alabaster into a separate container, pour water there and mix, so that there are no lumps. The mixture should acquire the consistency of sour cream. Pour the prepared gypsum mixture into a small flower pot, insert the stick or twig in the middle and wait until the gypsum solidifies, holding with your hand so that the stick does not lean sideways.

It is necessary to pay attention to our crown. It should be what you intended it to be.
We’ll make the crown of our tree in the most ordinary way, from various newspapers,
twisted into a small ball and wrap with thread or glue the edges with glue.

We make a small hole with a knife or scissors in a paper ball, pour the glue inside and put it on a wooden stick.

We take small rectangular pieces of black tulle, fold in half and stitch with a thread at the bend. After we twist into a flower and fix the base with glue using a gun.

Now we are going to glue the finished flowers from white fabric. We start to glue “hot glue” all over the ball of paper made flowers made in advance.

Then add the flowers from black tulle. They should approximately turn out from 5 to 7 pieces. The remaining empty spaces on the ball are filled with finished artificial roses, also gluing them with "hot glue".

Fill the top of the pot with white napkins. You can glue the remaining flowers from the rose onto the pot and plant gypsum animals, birds, butterflies at your discretion.

Our wonderful tree of happiness is ready, they can decorate the interior of the house or give relatives and friends for the holiday.
