Autumn time is the time when children are happy to collect colorful leaves, fancy twigs and fragrant cones. How to apply this natural material to the benefit of the development of the child? A simple and spectacular crafts made of cones is one of the most common options. Find half an hour of free time and devote them to joint work with your child - to create a luxurious starfish from pine cones.
For crafts, we need:
• 6 unopened pine cones with a sharp nose. 5 of them should be approximately the same size, 1 slightly smaller;
• glue gun and glue sticks;
• a large sharp knife;
• scarlet acrylic paint (cinnabar is suitable) and a hard brush (you can take a brush for glue);
• a sheet of paper or newspaper to protect the table from glue and paint.
Step 1. We collect the "rays" of the star. Clean the cones from dust and needles, cut their tails. Put the little bump aside. Fold a five-pointed star out of cooked natural material. Gently apply hot glue to the contact points of the barrels of cones. Wait for the glue to cool.
Step 2 Fill the middle of the craft. With a knife, cut a small cone across in half.
The nose is not useful to us, and lay the extended part in the center of the star, thus closing the hole in the middle. Apply hot glue to the star again, fixing the middle. When the glue has cooled, the star is ready for painting!
If the paper or newspaper on which the gluing was made stuck to the cones on the back, it does not matter. Carefully tear it off, and the traces of the newspaper will then be securely hidden by a layer of paint.
Step 3 We paint a starfish. This stage of work is by far the most enjoyable. It can be safely entrusted to a child over 4 years old. Paint the craft together with the smallest ones: acrylic paint is easily distributed over the surface of cones and can be washed off without problems if the crumbs get dirty. It’s better to take a hard brush: it’s better to paint over the rough surface of the cones. After painting one side of the starfish with paint, leave it to dry completely (from half an hour or more, depending on the thickness of the applied acrylic layer). Then turn the work over and paint the second side.
Bright craft is ready! Thanks to hot glue and acrylic paint, the star turned out to be very durable, so it can be safely used in children's games and in decorating the interior.